
Welcome to the Wire

Publishing grassroots and critical perspectives.
Welcome to the Wire pillar of Progressive International.

We are a wire service for the world’s progressive forces, translating and disseminating critical perspectives and stories from the grassroots around the world.

To do so, the Wire partners with leading progressive publications from around the world share their reporting and analysis. Members of the Wire International — publications like Dissent in the US, Nueva Sociedad in Argentina, The Elephant in Kenya, and Lausan in Hong Kong — contribute select content on a monthly basis. That content is curated, translated, republished here, and amplified throughout the Wire network.

At launch, readers of the Wire will find a brief history of the Hindutva movement, a look at the EU’s outsourcing of border policing to North Africa, an analysis of the recent Taiwanese presidential elections, an interview with former Brazilian president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and more — all in English, Spanish, French, Russian, German, and Portugese.

With greater resources, the Wire hopes to expand its translation services into every language. Please consider making a donation to the Progressive International so that we can support the translations team of the Wire.

Why Do We Need the Wire?

The media matters. Our newspapers, magazines, and television programs set the political agenda and shape the public perspective on the issues that affect our lives. In short, the media determine not only what we think about, but how we think about it.

Over the last half-century, corporate interests have captured the media and consolidated control over the means of journalistic production. In country after country, the story is the same: the networks attacks progressive candidates, launder propaganda for the 1%, and completely ignore the plight of working people. Coverage of international issues is even worse: cheerleading wars, justifying imperialism, and failing to question an economic system that has led the world to the edge of a cliff.

There are alternatives. The last decade has seen the rise of new progressive publications producing high-quality news and analysis all around the world. But resource constraints mean that most left-wing publications remain bound by national borders, unable to cover international issues with the same depth and regularity as domestic ones.

Global problems — from deadly pandemics to the climate crisis — demand global solutions, and the media status quo is standing in our way.We want to change that.

How Can the Wire Help?

If automobile factories in Mexico go on strike, autoworkers in the US should know. If dockworkers in Italy refuse to ship arms to Saudi Arabia, Yemenis should hear. If activists in the Global South demand a debt jubilee, activists in the Global North should join their call.

The Wire aims not only to raise awareness of these struggles. By translating stories from around the world, it aims to improve our capacity to act collectively to support them.

There’s a limit to what can be achieved through reporting alone. The works shared through this network are only as meaningful as the frames they shift, the minds they change, and the actions they inspire.

But by sharing their resources, members of the Wire can build the collective power needed to remind readers: a better world is possible, if only we join together to fight for it.

How It Works

  • Join the Network — Publications that share the Progressive International’s values are invited to become Wire members.
  • Reach New Audiences — Wire members select articles that they feel would be best for a wider global audience. We translate them into multiple languages, republish here, and share with other Wire members.
  • Gain Content From Around the World — Wire members receive a weekly digest of articles from other members, and get their choice of high-quality content to republish as they see fit.
  • Build Global Solidarity — Readers from across the globe get introduced to new publications, get access to Left-wing news and analysis from across the globe, and deepen their sense of internationalism.

Let's get started!

If you’re a publication that wants to know more about being a Wire member, get in touch! Reach out to [email protected]. Capacity may be limited, but we plan to grow. We especially encourage publications based in and covering the Global South.

And if you’re a reader… welcome! Enjoy all that the Wire International, and its network of leading progressive publications from around the world, have to offer.

Available in
EnglishGermanPortuguese (Brazil)SpanishFrenchRussianTurkish
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Site and identity: Common Knowledge & Robbie Blundell